In 1997, the City of Jacksonville passed Jacksonville Ordinance Code, Chapter 126, Part 9, allocating three quarters of one percent of each City construction and renovation project with a budget above $100,000 towards the creation, placement, and conservation of public art.

About the Art in Public Places (APP) Program

This “Percent for Art” Policy is established in many State and Local governments throughout the country to provide a funding source to include public art in State and City capital improvement projects.

With support from the Mayor, legislation enacted in 2006 by the City Council authorized the Cultural Council to administer the Art in Public Places Program on behalf of the City of Jacksonville. This action consolidated the City’s arts-related programs within one entity.

“River Runner” by artist Derby Ulloa. Photo courtesy: Kram Kran Photo

Public Art Process

A dedicated Program Director and Project Managers provide the collective expertise to administer over 40 active city funded public art projects while also managing the City’s permanent public art collection of nearly 100 artworks under the governance of the Art In Public Places Committee.
