Join Us as a Sponsor for the Annual Arts Awards

Celebrate Excellence in the Arts with the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville

The Annual Arts Awards, hosted by the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville, stands as a beacon of creativity, excellence, and community in the vibrant tapestry of our city’s arts scene. As we prepare to honor the outstanding achievements of artists, patrons, and visionaries, we invite you to play a pivotal role in this prestigious event. Your sponsorship not only elevates the gala but also strengthens the fabric of our arts community, fostering a future where creativity and culture thrive.

Photo ©️Ally Brody.
Why Sponsor the Annual Arts Awards?


Visibility and Brand Recognition

Align your brand with excellence and creativity. Our gala attracts a diverse audience of community leaders, artists, and art enthusiasts, offering unparalleled exposure.


Community Engagement

Show your commitment to enriching Jacksonville’s cultural landscape. Sponsorship demonstrates your support for the arts, education, and community development.


Exclusive Access

Enjoy VIP treatment, with access to exclusive gala features, including premium seating, special acknowledgments, and opportunities to interact with award winners and key figures in the arts community.


Customized Sponsorship Packages

We offer a range of sponsorship levels, each with unique benefits and opportunities for brand integration. Whether you’re looking to make a splash, connect with the community, or show your unwavering support for the arts, we have a package tailored to your goals.

Impact of Your Support

Your sponsorship directly contributes to:

Honoring Excellence

Support the recognition of outstanding contributions to the arts in Jacksonville, from groundbreaking artistic achievements to significant support of the arts by individuals and organizations.

Fostering and Retaining Talent

Help sustain programs that nurture emerging artists and arts education, ensuring a vibrant future for our cultural community.

Putting Our City on the Map

Facilitate events and initiatives that bring together artists, patrons, and the public, strengthening the arts ecosystem in Jacksonville.
Photo courtesy of Jesse Brantman.

Be Part of the Celebration

The Annual Arts Awards Gala is more than an event; it’s a statement of our city’s commitment to the arts. As a sponsor, you’re not just supporting an evening of accolades; you’re investing in the cultural richness and diversity of Jacksonville. Together, we can create an unforgettable celebration that highlights the power of the arts to inspire, connect, and transform our community.

Ready to Make a Difference?

We’re excited to partner with businesses and individuals who share our passion for the arts. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how you can contribute to this momentous event, please contact

Join us in making the Annual Arts Awards Gala a landmark event that shines a spotlight on the best of Jacksonville’s arts community. Your support is not just a sponsorship; it’s a legacy.

Join Our Generous Supporters Who Help ​Make Our Work Possible

Since 1976, the Cultural Council has brought together supporters, civic leaders, and artists to celebrate and recognize Jacksonville’s art and cultural leaders.
